posted 03-12-2009 03:10 PM
I don't know what she hopes to do with this info, but I figured she'd get the greatest amount of exposure (quickly) here. I got this forwared from Gordon Moore. I'll paste the survey below, which you should be able to paste back into an email or document.Here goes:
-----Original Message-----
From: Lisa Tharappel []
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 10:40 AM
To: Gordon Moore
Subject: Polygraph Survey
Hello. I was wondering if you could assist me in my research by filling out a survey. I am interested in how other agencies are operating their polygraph section. The survey is not difficult and will take 10 minutes of your time. Once I receive the information, I will compile the data send out my findings. If you think of other agencies to send out this attached survey, please do so and have them respond to or fax to 713.308.3197 attention Lisa Tharappel. The due date for the survey is 3-23-09.
Should you have any questions, e-mail me or call me at 713.308.2557. Thank you for your time.
Agency Name_________________
Polygraph Survey
The purpose of this questionnaire is to determine how other agencies operate their polygraph sections and what improvements would be made to enhance their current operations. The information obtained is for research purposes only. If any of the questions do not pertain to your agency, please indicate with N/A.
1. How is the polygraph unit structured? Under…
a. Investigative divisions
b. Human resources
c. IAD
d. Other. Please list _________________
2. What is the composition of the polygraph section?
a. Classified Officers
b. Civilians
c. Both
3. How many employees are in the polygraph section?
4. How large is the department?
5. Approximately how many exams are conducted in:
1 Year____________
1 Month__________
6. Approximately how many exams are assigned to an examiner per day?
Specific Issue________________
7. What types of exams are conducted?
a. Pre-employment only
b. Specific Issue only
c. Both
d. Other. Please list____________________
8. What testing technique is used for pre-employments?
b. R/I
c. Other. Please list______________________
9. Where are the tests conducted?
a. At the department
b. Off-site
c. Both
10. If the tests are conducted at the department, what are the testing facilities like?
a. Enclosed testing room
b. Cubicle
c. Office
d. Other. Please list___________________
11. What type of polygraph instrument is used?
a. Computerized
b. Analog
c. Both
12. Are the tests recorded?
a. Yes. If yes, is audio recorded, video?
b. No
13. What types of tests are recorded?
a. Specific Issue
b. Pre-employment
14. What is used to record the test?
a. tape cassette
b. cd
c. dvd
d. other
15. What is the average time to complete a pre-employment test?
16. What is the average time to complete a specific issue test?
17. Does the agency implement quality control?
a. Yes
b. No
18. If yes, how many of the tests are quality controlled?
a. All tests
b. Some
19. Does your agency outsource any exams?
a. Yes
b. No
20. If yes, what types of exams are outsourced?
a. Pre-employment
b. Specific issue
c. Both
21. Are there any interrelationships between polygraph and other divisions/sections? Please describe.
22. Is there any incentive to become a polygraph examiner in your department? (For example: promotion, pay, department vehicle, etc) Please explain.
23. Are the polygraph examiners afforded continuing education?
a. Yes
b. No
24. Is training…..
a. Mandatory
b. Voluntary
25. What would you do to improve your polygraph section? (Example: personnel, training, equipment, facilities, pay, etc…)
26. If there is any thing else that you wish to address that was simply overlooked, please enter your comment(s) below.